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Prepare to meet with
from the Galaxy

Hotel Beau-Rivage


November 10 & 11


Humanity is about to start walking

Humans of Earth,

(...) We want to share with you the vision that we, the UMMOAOO (people of UMMO), have of your world. We wish to give you ​a point of view that may be totally different from yours; one that is not conditioned by any human ideology (although it is true to say that it has passed through our scientific and cultural filters) or any financial interest on our part. (...)

A characteristic of the twenty-first century is an intensification in the exchange of knowledge and interactions in all areas. It is comparable to the first few months of an infant’s life when they discover their hands and feet, refine their motor skills, sense of balance and coordination; a process which will equip them with the necessary skills for walking.

Humanity is, then, just about to start walking but the path of learning is strewn with missteps and obstacles which, however many they may be, will not prevent it, in the long term, from reaching its higher goal.

Humanity is, therefore, going through a period of transition which will lead to a new era of social stability, lasting peace and technological development that our provisional calculations estimate will last approximately 7 or 8 generations.

To illustrate our feelings about the stage you are currently living in, we have decided to gift you a reading from TAAU 37* which explains that the mayhem of today is potentially the foundation of tomorrow. (...)

"The way of truth is not a path that is out of the reach of the OEMMI** but it is a route on which it is difficult to progress without getting hurt because the rock-falls that continually clog and hinder progress are all obstacles that have to be overcome through understanding and which will then turn into columns filled with knowledge of the truth of WOA."

EYAOLOOWA AOIO 343 sons of A010 340, on a mission upon OYAGAA since 11 December 2013.

Transmission of 4 August 2016 (in French) commissioned by UMMOAELEWE.


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